Integrated Theory & Practice - How adding text to an image can change the meaning and context & how adding text to an image can influence people emotions
During this itap lecture we were discussing what influence text can have on people’s perception of an image. We were given 2 principles to talk about, however as I believe they are very closely linked I will talk about both principles together.
When we all see a single image on it’s own, the way in which we perceive it will be determined by our own past experiences and life. Out of its original context it could mean anything and without any text to guide us, our emotions related to the image are controlled by these past experiences and life. The house below for example, it could remind us of anything in the world. It may remind you of your family home as a child, depending on how you were raised, it may fill you with happiness and jollity, or it could remind you of sadness and bad experiences. You may start to imagine another little girl or boy living their and wonder what their upbringing is like. It may remind you of the house you rented at university and prompt you to get back in touch in with your friends, it may fill you with joy and perhaps relief, knowing all those exams and assessments are in the past! The image may even remind of the first house you raided when you first joined the police force. This may conjure up those feelings of nerves mixed with excitement you felt in the pit of your stomach.
Take this image below, what does it mean to you? We could add many different types of text to change the context and meaning of this. ‘Summer 96’’ would change this picture to mean somewhere someone spent their summer of 1996, filling you with joy and the thought of sunshine. ‘For Sale’ implys that now it’s a piece of land up for sale, perhaps making you inquisitive and imagining what could be. However this image is actually from a collection of photographs of crime scenes. Putting the name of the deceased and a date will change this into a murder scene, different emotions will fill you.
Once you know what the image is from and you know the context, you can look at the image and know what it is about. You can use this to your advantage or disadvantage, some images are only powerful once you know what the context is.
Bibliogprahy of photgraphs (top-bottom)
Image 1: Paul O'Donnel presentation
Image 2: